From SpenchWiki
ISEE-3 Reboot Project
- Communicating with a space probe using Software Defined Radio
- (last updated for presentation at Dorkbot SF)
- Arecibo Videos
- ISEE-3 Telemetry Videos
Hacking the Wireless World
SDR Exploits
- GRCon 2017
- DEF CON Wireless Village 2017
- GRCon 2016
- DEF CON Wireless Village 2016
- Hacking the IoT: When Good Devices Go Bad (RSA 2016)
- ShmooCon 2016
- Ruxcon 2015
- DEF CON Wireless Village 2015
All your RFz are belong to me
- GRCon 2015
- Black Hat US 2014 (also EU 2014 and Asia 2015)
- DEF CON 22 Wireless Village 2014 (see Black Hat slides above)
- iSec Open Forum (short version) Held at VMware
- DEF CON 21 (long version)
- Slides (submitted)
- GNU Radio Conference 2013 (New applications: "More of your signals belong to me")
- USRP B200 Launch Video
- Ruxcon 2011
Blind Signal Analysis
- Presentation (covers many of the pages on RF)
- Presented at:
- GNU Radio Conference 2012
- Ruxcon 2011 (video of talk "Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radio")
Software Defined Radio Direction Finding
- Presentation (go to the project page)
- Detailed video on how phase is computed in the flowgraph shown in the slides
- Presented at:
- GNU Radio Conference 2012
- Dorkbot Sydney 2012
- Ruxmon Sydney 2012 (video of talk)
- Reading a FasTrak tag (preview)
Other Talks
- Aviation Mapper, the Australian Geographical RadioFrequency Map and Software Defined Radio (Dorkbot Sydney 2011)
Online Only
- HF and Software Defined Radio: HDSDR + USRP + GNU Radio + RFMap
- GNU Radio tutorial series
- BorIP: SDR client/server for Linux, Mac + Windows & GNU Radio source/sink blocks
- HDSDR + Realtek Cheap SDR on Mac OS X with Wine, BorIP Server & GNU Radio
- Ultra-cheap SDR: HF with RTL2832 and transverter
- World's cheapest aviation RADAR Mode S ADS-B receiver: AvMap + $20 RTL2832 Dongle
- World's cheapest P25 receiver w/ decryption: GNU Radio + OP25 + $20 RTL2832 DVB-T Dongle
- GNU Radio + RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick = $20 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio
- $20 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
- BorIP baseband streaming from HDSDR to GNU Radio (main page)
- NISRP: Non-Intrusive Song Rating Plugin for Winamp and iTunes (download)
- BSOD during GNU Radio Conference 2012